Join the select community of art investors.
Buy ART token
ART token is a currency used to buy images and conduct trading transactions on the platform
Your MATIC wallet balance is 0 ART.
Invest in the most exclusive asset class
Now is the best time to invest in art. Thanks to modern solutions, even the most expensive works of art are available to every art lover. Buy and sell works of art or their parts at any time and enjoy profits. Invest in your future, invest in art.
0 $ART
Collectors receive rewards
Independent reward system! Our award system works as an independent smart contract on Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, which means that it is completely safe and without human intervention. Automatically paid rewards go directly to collectors' wallets, without any delays or problems. Invest in our system and enjoy effortless rewards.
Trading on the secondary market
Our offer is a selection of the best works of art from the most renowned blue-chips and artists. The market verifies our offer and recognizes it as one of the most attractive and valuable. By buying works of art from artists around the world, you can be sure that they will be exhibited, bought, and resold at any time, providing continuous liquidity that adds value to your investment.
0 $ART
Artists earn money from works of art
Each artist who places his painting on the platform has full freedom to choose how to offer it for sale. They can sell the painting in its entirety or divide it into pieces and set additional rewards for collectors, making trading more attractive and profitable. Support artists and invest in their works of art.
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0 winners
Add your masterpiece, create a collection, or divide it into pieces and start earning with our platform. Click now to get started!
See more works

Click on the selected image to see our full collection of pictures cut into pieces. Allow yourself to own a part of the most expensive works of art in the world with our innovative form of investing and trading..

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    Buy ART token
    ART token is a currency used to buy images and conduct trading transactions on the platform
    Your MATIC wallet balance is 0 ART.
    © Decentral-Art. 2021. We love our users!